Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Setting a CPXample™

"With power, comes responsibility."

CPXample™ is a catch-all philanthropic division of CPX Interactive, created to use the power of the Internet to support worthy causes, and to help them make the most of this power.

CEO and Founder, Mike Seiman, sums it up best this way, "The original company that we founded, and that became CPX Interactive, was called B.U.D.S., for 'Brothers Unda Da Skin,' in order to reflect our shared belief in the ideals of equality and unity...and we are thrilled to be in a position to put teeth behind those ideals."

Our Causes:

Over the past two years, CPX Interactive has been involved in several philanthropic endeavors. In October 2007, CPXample
™ supported SaveDarfur.org by donation 50,000,000 impressions across its network, driving traffic to a page where visitors could send e-mail messages to world leaders, expressing their outrage toward the atrocities and genocide in the Sudan.

A couple months later, in December of 2007,
CPXample™ developed a new series of animated ads and delivered them across the CPX network (50,000,000 impressions) to assist LiveEarth.org in expanding its database of concerned visitors.

In anticipation of the 2008 presidential election, CPX Interactive created and promoted an unparalleled campaign to "get out the vote." In partnership with Russell Simmons' Hip-Hop Summit Action Network (HSAN), CPX developed the "Vote For It! '08" campaign. CPX worked with celebrities including LL Cool J, Snoop Dogg, George Lucas, TI, and Ciara (for a full list visit www.voteforit08.org) to create a powerful video to compel America's youth to exercise their right to vote. The video is featured on VoteForIt08.org, a website created for the project, which also provided a link to voter registration info, plus photos and event information.

On July 9, 2008, CPX and HSAN held a video launch party at Room Service in New York City. Many of the celebrities featured in the "Vote For It! '08" campaign were on hand to watch the video premiere and celebrate with the CPX staff.

For nine days in September and October, a team of CPX employees trekked across the country as part of the 2008 Fireball Run. The CPX Interactive team included: CTO and Founder, Carlton Hickman, Graphic Designer, Tony Pascal, and Shaun Beymolla, VP of Traffic & Optimization. They were one of 100 teams to take part in this 3500 mile transcontinental rally to support the Child Rescue Network.

Each team was assigned a different missing child, with the mission of creating as much awareness as possible throughout their journey. Carlton, Tony and Shaun were armed with posters, and their 2008 Special Edition "Superbee" Dodge Charger was outfitted with a full color decal of the missing child. According to the Child Rescue Network, twenty four children have since been rescued and reunited with their families and guardians. The rally was a success, and the CPX Interactive team came away from the Fireball Run with 3rd place honors!

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