Monday, March 9, 2009

Internet Use Across the Globe: Part 1

Have you ever wondered how many people surf the Web in India? Which country has the highest percentage of Internet users? Or who is on the list of the leading digital countries in the world? With the help of industry metrics giant, e-Marketer, CPX Interactive is going to answer these questions and more. Be sure to check back each day for more information!

(as of 2009)
Total Population: 40.9 M
Internet Users: 13.4 M
Percentage of Population: 32.8%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 19.6M

(as of 2009)
Population: 21.3 M
Internet Users: 14.4 M
Percentage: 67.6%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 15.8 M


(As of 2009)
Population: 198.7 M
Internet Users: 44.2 M
Percentage: 22%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 64.6 M

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