Thursday, March 12, 2009

Internet Use Across the Globe: Part 4

On our fourth day of Internet use statistics, we look at three countries with similarly large populations. Japan, Mexico, and Russia...which one has the most Internet users?

(as of 2009)
Population: 127.1 M
Internet Users: 92.3 M
Percentage: 72.6%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 95.7 M

(as of 2009)
Population: 111.2 M
Internet Users: 27.8 M
Percentage: 25%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 38 M

(as of 2009)
Population: 140.0 M
Internet Users: 45.8 M
Percentage: 32.7%
Projected number of Internet users in 2013: 61.9 M

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